Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Dark Knight Quits

I'm not a big fan of Christopher Nolan's Batman films, or should I say film since the 2nd one felt more like a Gotham PD movie, and I can honestly say I'm not looking forward to his next outing.
Before you tune me out give me a minute to explain.

I am a Batman fan and I have been since I was 5 (I'm 36 now). One of the big reason's I love Batman is he seldom gets discouraged or gives up, when he is faced with a monster of a problem, he just redoubles his efforts. I can remember twice that Batman retired: once because he got old...but he came back (The Dark Knight Returns), and once because his back was broken (Knightfall).

So far in the Christopher Nolan movies Batman has been discouraged or quit in all but the first one. Which makes me wonder how his Bruce Wayne became Batman at all. Didn't he dedicate a good part of his 20's to becoming an idea? I'm pretty sure the training leading up to it was more difficult than the actual job of being Batman. So why does Christopher Nolan seems to treat the Batman persona as a flippant whim, a la Tony Stark and Iron Man.

Don't believe me? Check out the new TV spot below.

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