This video is only slightly funny to me for a few different points....
A) The whole "I'm a super hot girl and I'm a bigger geek than you" shtick is actually getting really old.
B) After many years of experience I can tell a true fan from someone who just regurgitates the shit they hear come out of the mouths of others. She is obviously the later, because of.....
C) The final, and most insulting, nail in the coffin...she says,"Almost as silly as Yuuzhan Vong killing Chewbacca."
What!? Try as silly as your poorly researched star wars reference.
For your information princess; The Yuuzhan Vong were a race from another galaxy who wanted to take over.
Chewbacca, or Chewie, was killed in the year 25 A.B.Y (After the Battle of Yavin) on the Outer Rim world of Sernpidal.
He risked his life saving Anakin Solo. His best friends son.
He died a hero.
Sure it may have been because the Yuuzhan Vong had used a gravity-altering dovin basal creature to pull Sernpidal's moon Dobido down to a shattering collision.
But mark my words!
There was nothing "silly" about Chewbacca's death!
You cold hearted bitch.
Dictated but not read
-Han Solo

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